Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Here are pictures of the Mezquita, a very old Moorish castle, made a cathedral later on by the Christians. This is the Bell Tower, and the bells, as you very well know, were and still are rung to let you know what time it is.

The next picture is of the courtyard fountain, a very old, yet still remodeled by the Moorish, fountain indeed.

Since I do not know which picture will come first,
I will tell you that the picture with the paintings
and offering booth is an old Christian, well, offering booth.
The other picture is of old original Muslim arches.

Now for the last two photos. One is of fancier Muslim arches, the other, a statue of pure gold! The doors to the place were also made of gold!


Linz said...

La Alhambra? Nice wordsmithing, Emma. Keep it up, yo!

Jack Clinton said...


Jack Clinton said...